Help Me Grow Tehama is a family centered hub connecting families to resources, supporting cross-system collaboration with a goal of strengthening children and families resulting in a community where children and families thrive with hope and resilience.

Are you a parent?
You can complete an online screening now by using the button below. After completion we will set up a time to share information about your child’s development and share ideas and resources that are specific to your child. If you would like to talk with a Help Me Grow navigator complete this form.
Four cooperative and interdependent Core Components characterize the Help Me Grow System Model:
Are you a Medical Provider or Early Childhood Educator?
Share the links below with families; or complete the online screening with a family. Contact First 5 Tehama to learn more about how to integrate the online system and receive documentation for screening purposes.
Request a training for your staff on Help Me Grow or Pregnancy to Preschool Partnership here. You can also download a form to refer to a family.